Zolan N’Gono

ZolanDirkMarie-Geneviève Labarrière aka  “One voice, multiple lives.” First a teacher, she left behind a university career to travel the roads of Europe and sing with her guitar on the streets and in the squares. Then she began to write songs and sing them.

Halfway through her life, she found her biological families and returned to her father’s family in Cameroon: this shock allowed her to develop a particular poetic universe.

As a child, she decided that she never wanted to cry anymore about the future, she sings the words in which its mystery moves. She gets angry sometimes. “When you see a ‘prohibited’ sign, do you feel this wound in your soul” “I’m not really sure if I want to be honest, but for me the whitest word is the word Nègre. ”

She feels connected to her grandmother whom she never knew, but whose legend nourishes her. “How are things, M’bamba, and why do I even want to know about it all.” She tries to convey the “tender flavor of words that tear the night.”She appears in Paris as well as in a variety of festivals.